


Invisalign Go: Something to Smile About

Patients who need orthodontic treatment are often faced with a choice: should they go with traditional metal braces or Invisalign? While most people are familiar with what comes along with…

How to Prepare for Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

Considering how many adults fear going to see the dentist, it's hardly surprising that children feel deeply concerned when it comes to their very first oral check-up. Going to the dentist for…

5 raisons pour lesquelles il est important de faire un nettoyage dentaire régulier

En ce qui concerne votre santé bucco-dentaire, il est extrêmement important de vous brosser les dents régulièrement. Cependant, vos soins bucco-dentaires ne devraient pas en rester là. Au lieu de…
Orthodontiste genève

How Whiter Teeth Will Help You Be Your Best Self

A bright smile can be an important factor in boosting your confidence. When you're still young, you might be blessed with teeth as white as you'd ever want. However, as…

6 Signs That You Need to Wear a Mouth Guard to Sleep

Bruxism is a dental condition that involves clenching and grinding the teeth. Unfortunately, most people experience these symptoms while they are asleep, so if you suffer from the condition, there…

Dealing with Dental Emergencies: What to Do About Knocked-Out or Loosened Teeth

If you're involved in an accident that knocks out or loosens a tooth, it's only natural that you'll have plenty of your mind in the immediate aftermath. However, despite the…